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Welcome to the
Ellsworth Methodist Church
Ellsworth, Kansas

Ellsworth Methodist Women:
Faith • Hope • Love in Action
The EMW of the Ellsworth Methodist Church support a number of missions including Red Bird Mission, Ember Hope (Youthville), Mexican-American Ministries, Salina Rescue Mission, Ellsworth County Food Bank, Kids of the Kingdom, Mosaic at Ellsworth, Allyssa Kaufman with "Team Expansion", METour, Church Women United, College Care Packages, 'The Christmas Store', Good Samaritan Bingo, and many others.
We invite ALL women to membership in Ellsworth Methodist Women. Joining this group is a unique opportunity, no matter who you are or where you are in your life at this moment, to move in harmony with other women responding to God's purpose. We meet every first Thursday of each month at 7pm in the church parlor.
Our EMW also includes 2 women's fellowship circles:
Faith & Hope Circle - meets every second Thursday of each month at 2pm, place to be announced. President, Rose Doubrava 785-472-4296
Honor & Glory Circle - meets every second Thursday of each month at 7pm, place to be announce. President, Deb Furgason 785-472-8956
If you have any questions please contact:
Co-Chair: Rose Doubrava 785-472-4296
Co-Chair: Deb Furgason 785-472-8956
Secretary: Karen Shriner 785-472-3726
Treasurer: Kourtney Maisog 620-560-5001
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