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Sunday School!
Join us in the study of God's Word on Sunday mornings from 9:30am until 10:30am.  We have Sunday School classes for adults this summer with youth classes starting back up in the Fall.

  • Nursery/Pre-School meet in the nursery

  • Primary (K-4th grade) meet in the SW basement classroom and are studying from the "One Room Schoolhouse" curriculum

  • 5th - 12th grades meet in the NW basement classroom

  • Mosaic residents meet at Mosaic North Home, led by Nancy Stonebraker

  • "Builders" (Adult) meets downstairs in the kitchen and use the Wesley Bible Curriculum, led by Rose Doubrava

  • "Seekers" (Adult) meets in the "parlor" on the main floor.  They use a variety of curriculum including the Wesley Bible Curriculum, "That the World May Know" DVD series in the Holy Land, and others, led by various adults.  


Elevator Available to reach each floor.


Other services available:

  • Nursery for infants to Pre-K in nursery

  • Bus Pickup:  Please call church office for a ride



You might ask "Why is Sunday School important?" Here are some reasons why it is important:

  • Age Targeted Teaching: Children get Biblical instruction that's focused toward their
    developmental abilities.

  • Friends: In Sunday School, children will build positive friendships with their peers by discovering
    God's Word together.

  • It's Fun: Sunday School is not Disney Land, but the teachers do work hard to teach the Bible in
    ways that are relevant and fun for kids.

  • Builds Courage: Sunday School teaches children not to be afraid of attending church.

  • Spiritual Mentors: A dedicated teacher can be a Christian role model who supports parents and
    helps inspire the faith of their children.

  • Praying Teachers: Teachers consistently pray for children's faith to grow.

  • Big Reward for a Small investment: Sunday School can equal over 900 hours of Christian
    teaching before a child graduates.

  • Send the Right Message: Making Sunday School a priority shows kids that God's Word really
    does matter more than pillow time.

  • Adult Bible Fellowship: While the children enjoy their class, parents can fellowship with other adults in their own Bible study group

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